Can Exterior Shades Block Wind and Rain from a Gazebo?

Abigail Sawyer | 29 Oct 2015 | Solar Shades

I have a gazebo and I am trying to block rain and wind, are exterior solar shades my solution?

- Tim L.

A: Short of putting up a wall, they’re your best bet. Exterior solar shades are designed to hold up to the elements. They’ll do a great job of reducing the amount of wind and rain that comes into the gazebo so that you and your family can enjoy your gazebo during a passing, light shower or moderate breeze. Many of our exterior solar shades are available with hold down hooks to keep the shade in place when the wind blows. Designer Katrina Esco

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  • About Author

    Abigail Sawyer is the Manager of Social Media Marketing for She's a home improvement junkie who is currently restoring a 1972 cottage with the help of her husband and goldendoodle, Biscuit. Walking in the footsteps of Martha Stewart, she’s happiest when she’s crafting or whipping up a new recipe; although nothing beats curling up with a good book and some Girl Scout Cookies. Follow her on twitter + instagram at @whatabigailsaw