Can You Switch Roller Shades to Unroll from the Front Rather than the Back?

Abigail Sawyer | 15 Mar 2016 | Roller Shades


Can I modify my existing Bali blinds so that they unroll from the front of the roll rather than from the back? – Sue N.


This can be done, but please be aware that if your roller or solar shade fabric is not identical on both sides, the colors will be reversed. The method we’ll show you is also only for shades without a valance or cassette.

Here’s how it’s done:

1. Remove the shade from its brackets.



2. Remove the plug from one end of the roll, and the plug with the chain attached from the other end.

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You may need pliers to pull the plug out or a flathead screwdriver to pry it away from the tube.

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If you have a cordless shade, you will have a plug with a round peg on one side and a flat peg on the other.

3. Re-insert the plugs in the opposite ends. Be sure to align the keyed edges with the notches into the roll.

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Tap the plugs in until they are completely flush.

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5. Reinsert the shade into the brackets.

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– Customer Service Specialist Rebecca Page


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  • About Author

    Abigail Sawyer is the Manager of Social Media Marketing for She's a home improvement junkie who is currently restoring a 1972 cottage with the help of her husband and goldendoodle, Biscuit. Walking in the footsteps of Martha Stewart, she’s happiest when she’s crafting or whipping up a new recipe; although nothing beats curling up with a good book and some Girl Scout Cookies. Follow her on twitter + instagram at @whatabigailsaw